9 Best At Home Date Night Ideas

9 Best At Home Date Night Ideas

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12 Stay At Home Date Night Ideas
Keep your love alive while the world is on fire.

9 Stay at Home Date Ideas for the Perfect Date Night

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Maybe you and your significant other were able to entertain yourselves the first few weeks of covid quarantine, but as time continues you might find that your regular walk to your local coffee shop for curbside pickup just isn’t doing it for you anymore. You’re not alone! People all around the world are being forced to come up with new ways to entertain themselves and their partner. Here are 9 fun date night ideas you can do at home!

Stay at Home Date Ideas

1. Participate in A Bake Off or Cooking Challenge

One of my favorites! Rather than taking turns cooking dinner with/for each other, duke it out in the culinary ring. Wake up early on a Thursday and have a pancake battle to decide who will wear the crown of pancake princess or waffle warlord! Reinvigorate your taco Tuesdays by having a black bean battle, be brave, bold, become bean baron.

Adding a component of competition to a daily activity can make it feel even more enlivened. Competitions involving cooking are especially great because at the end you’re both able to fill yourself up with your precious culinary creations.

2. Have a Spa Night at Home!

During times like this, self-care and finding new ways to relax is key in keeping your sanity. A spa night at home with your significant other can be romantic and relaxing and it doesn’t require you to break the bank. You can either buy spa-centric items like face masks and exfoliating body scrubs or make them at home with fresh ingredients. Let a pitcher of sun tea steep in the sun, or have a bubble bath with some cucumbers on your eyes and a charcuterie board.

3. Make Yourself a Stay at Home Picnic

Having a picnic can be a great way to change up the scenery. My girlfriend and I love to grab our favorite snacks, a picnic blanket, and a delicious bottle of Moscato and try out one of our many favorite spots.

Just because you are at home doesn’t mean you have to cancel your picnic. You can set up a cute little picnic in a little used part of your home or in your backyard!

4. Dance Party in the Den

This is so much fun! Spend a day creating two different music playlists to see who is the playlist pro, or collaborate on one large playlist. You can take some songs from some of the best moments in your relationship. Either way, at the end of the day get your favorite lights and show your best moves. If you aren’t in stitches by the end of this, maybe look into new music…

5. Wine Tasting in Your Own Home

Being a lover, marketer, and drinker of wine maybe this one is a little self-serving, but sampling different wines allows for the chance for you and your partner to compare and contrast how different wines taste. Buy a cheese board and a few wine glasses and drink up! Whether you are sampling a dark red or a light white, you can have fun picking up the notes and aromas that come with wine tasting.

6. Have an Arts and Crafts Night

Explore your cabinets and use any crafting supplies you have at home, or make your own crafting supplies out of the items around you. Creating crafts alongside your spouse can further the bond you feel and might even bring back some strong early feelings. I still wear a crafted bracelet my girlfriend made for me over a year ago and it makes me happy to look at it.

7. Answer the ’36 Questions That Lead to Love’

Treat this time at home as an opportunity to get to know your partner even better. Have a great dinner, dessert, and maybe a glass of wine and then ask each other questions from the New York Times’ ‘Questions That Lead to Love’. By communicating and asking these questions too each other, you can help to form an even deeper emotional bond and feel closer to them than you did before.

8. Write Love Letters to Each Other

If anything, the current world circumstances have given us each a little more time on your hands. During this time, add some spice and romance to your home life and write your significant other a love letter or multiple letters. My girlfriend loves to write me love letters and then hide them in places where she knows I will eventually find them. These days, since it is rarer to receive a personal gift it can mean so much more to have someone you love confess it in writing.

9. Karaoke Night at Home

For those of us who love to sing, Karaoke can be a chance to show off a huge part of your personality, which is great for dates. Look up your favorite songs on YouTube with lyrics and sing your soul away!

I hope you enjoyed these 9 stay at home date night ideas. Try some of these ideas out and let us know how they went in the comments below.

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